Saren Sakurai
Saren Sakurai

Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer I can make something up that sounds pretty good.

I am currently the Director of Digital Marketing at Cylance in Irvine, California. In November we announced that we were being aquired by Blackberry (BB) for $1.4 billion in cash.

All opinions are my own.

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Tag: Kanji

Waves at Matsushima by Tawaraya Sotatsu

The Lions of Memory Hacking 

[slideshare id=36448636&doc=kanjilicious-thelionsofmemoryhacking-140630004132-phpapp02]   In working on an app to help kids memorize Japanese kanji, Kanjilicious, I started the journey by conducting a lot of research into just what the brain did to memorize a lot of new information. It led me to a few different…