Talks I’ve presented to clients, Meetups or work audiences.
The Art of the Pitch
Pitching requires three versions of your story: a 30 second elevator pitch, a 3 minute hook, and a 20 minute deck for a 1 hour meeting.
The Pokemon Go Phenomenon
[slideshare id=64453956&doc=ociospokemongojuly2016-160727224456] Upon its launch Pokemon Go broke records around the world. In a presentation to the iOS Developers group in Orange County, I summarized the stats I had uncovered about just how phenomenal the launch of the app was compared to a few…
Startup Marketing Playbook
[slideshare id=49751232&doc=sarensakurai-150623192031-lva1-app6892] This is a presentation I gave to a couple of incubators and startup gatherings in Southern California in 2015. My basic premise was that as a new startup, it is important to think through your brand, and the marketing of the brand,…
The Lions of Memory Hacking
[slideshare id=36448636&doc=kanjilicious-thelionsofmemoryhacking-140630004132-phpapp02] In working on an app to help kids memorize Japanese kanji, Kanjilicious, I started the journey by conducting a lot of research into just what the brain did to memorize a lot of new information. It led me to a few different…
Digital Japan 2010: By the Numbers
A round up of some insights and statistics of digital habits in Japan.